In a heartbreaking turn of events, Carlito’s family faced unimaginable challenges due to medical malpractice, resulting in anoxic brain injuries for both Mom and Baby Carlitos. While Mom ended up in a vegetative state, young Carlitos began his journey of slow but steady development. By the grace of God, he continues to show signs of improvement each day.
Through this difficult time, Dad has taken on the incredible responsibility of caring for both Carlitos and Mom from home. With unwavering determination and love, he works tirelessly to provide the best care possible for his family, ensuring that they have the support they need.
Carlito's Shop was born out of this journey—a way to share handmade products crafted with love while also supporting the family’s needs. Every purchase made at Carlito's Shop helps Dad continue to push forward, making a positive impact on their lives.
Thank you for being a part of this story. Your support not only helps sustain the family but also serves as a beacon of hope as they navigate this challenging path together. Together, we can make a difference!
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